Monday, January 18, 2010

Golden Globes, January 2010

So January already feels like it is just slipping by...and I still haven't seen Leap Year! (er...I'm kind of serious)

My goal is to see as much as I can in theatres this year, even if it means making the trek (all the way to the Clearview!) to see The Book of Eli. Which is why I definitely need to get hired at either a) Film Forum, b) the IFC, or c) the Sunshine so I can get free passes to these things! I love you Gary Oldman, but...

Anyway, I DID see Daybreakers. Which was...kind of hilarious. I'm really glad it wasn't just me, because if anything, the context in which you see that kind of movie sort of makes or breaks the experience, I think. First of all, it was a 12 am show, so pretty much everyone in the room was smashed, Icees and all. And then the group of kids in front of us kept blurting out Twilight references throughout (and SCREAMING at every sudden loss of an eyelash!)

But ultimately I am very glad I saw it (11 bucks aside) because Willem Dafoe stole the damn show! He must have improvised the hell out of it, because there really wasn't evidence of that kind of wit anywhere else in the script (even if his character is the best suited for the kind of dialogue he has). Exhibit A: "Being human in this world is like barebackin' a five dolla' whore!"
Exhibit B: "I love a good barbecue!" Fabulously ridiculous.

Now, the Golden Globes...I really just don't give a shit about awards shows anymore. It's always kind of disheartening because a part of you wants to believe that they really are honoring the "best" (but then again you could ever really do a great job at that, since it's basically subjective and the competitive aspect of it just transforms the "honor" into something else entirely). But it is nice to see Jeff Bridges finally get up there...

Anyway, I still like watching them, if only to see Streep speak in public (I'm going to wager that watching her speech seven times on youtube--like I did--- was a better deal than heading out to see anything else at the multiplex!). And I love that Mo'Nique is part of the awards game this year--I really think she represents so much that is fundamentally opposed to these kinds of things---but ultimately it is great to still see her get all teared up at the podium (and she is so commanding, shit!) More, please.

Sad that Sidibe didn't win, and Bullock didn't really do anything awesome last night (although her speeches have been consistently humble and sweet), but I'm still reeling from the Streep-Bullock lip-lock at the Critic's Choice Awards (gah!). The twenty-or-so seconds leading up to Bullock's speech at that show were so priceless.

I also love the whole circling-of-the-prey thing going on at the beginning. Awesome!

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